Gateway introduced the new NV and ID notebook series with the latest processors by Intel and AMD. The redesigned Gateway NV has 15.6 inch screen with matte chassis and a subtle geometric or digital wave pattern and the latest Intel Core “Sandy Bridge” processors in the NV57 and AMD Fusion Llano APUs in the N55 series.
While the aluminum-cladded ID47 has a 14-inch display packed into a 13.3-incher’s chassis, which results in a a screen with a very thin bezel. It comes in Infinity “Blue Liquid” or “Brushed Platinum” design and with Sandy Bridge.
That two series provide up to 4 and 8 hours of battery life, while the Gateway NV Series provides up to 4 hours of battery life.The laptops have USB 3.0 and HDMI ports and 1366×768 screen resolution.
The latest NV starts at $529, while the ID has a base price of $699, both with immediate availability.